What does the service consist of?

If you have a Start-Up, are a business owner about to open, a partner or just an enthusiast who dreams of having your own professional Home Gym , Gladius financing is the choice for you.
You can apply for and access a line of credit for up to 60 months, with really attractive interest rates.
Why not write to team@gladiuseurope.com to simulate your financing?

Why choose Gladius for financing?


Bureaucracy is limited to the bone and only a few documents are needed to apply and within 48 hours you will have the outcome.


the contract also includes the possibility of adding assembly and transport costs.


makes it possible to start the investment without compromising the turnover capital and to estimate the business plan more accurately.

Cost estimate

You will be able to estimate monthly costs in advance, which is important for anyone who has to follow a business plan

Choice of instalments

You can choose the payment plan that is most convenient for you.

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Do you need this service? Contact us via the form